2017’s Wonder Woman introduced audiences to the magical island of Themyscira, a hidden world ruled by a race of Amazons. While Princess Diana left her home in Themyscira to become Wonder Woman, the rest of the Amazons are set to get their own moment in the spotlight with a planned spinoff movie. Connie Nielsen, who will reprise her role as Queen Hippolyta, ruler of the Amazons and Diana’s mother in the spinoff, recently explained to CinemaBlend that the movie will explain the origins of the world of Themyscira.
“Well, I can tell you that it’s not just after what happens in Wonder Woman. There’s also some other stuff in there, which is related to a prior time as well. There is a lot of different sort of things that you can see where the story is a little bit origin minded, but there are also other times involved.”
News of the planned Amazon spinoff was first revealed by director Patty Jenkins, who helmed both Wonder Woman and Wonder Woman 1984. In a previous interview, Jenkins had revealed her vision for the Amazon superheroine’s cinematic journey, which would be divided into four movies, one of which would be a film focusing on the Amazons.
“There’s an arc that I have in mind for the first movie, and then the second movie, and then the Amazon movie, and then the third movie. I’m not going to direct [the Amazon project], hopefully. I’m going to try really hard not to. It’s not going to be easy. But [WW84 co-writer and former DC Entertainment President and Chief Creative Officer] Geoff Johns and I came up with the story, and we sold the pitch, and we’re going to get it going. I’ll produce it, for sure.”
The cinematic journey of Wonder Woman hit a bit of a speed bump with Wonder Woman 1984, which opened to considerably more divided reviews than the original Wonder Woman. Still, the character remains a popular favorite among audiences, and so does the world of the Amazons. In another interview, Jenkins had explained an overarching narrative that would put the events of the Amazon movie somewhere in between Wonder Woman 1984 and the still-to-be-made Wonder Woman Part 3.
“This is a story that Geoff Johns and I came up with and then introduced to Warner. The events of this story take place after Diana leaves Themyscira, the Island of the Amazons, and there are some twists and turns linked to what will happen between Wonder Woman 1984 and Wonder Woman 3. The production of the project has not yet officially started, but I hope we get it because I love this story.”
Hopefully, the as-yet-untitled movie about the Amazons will bring the Wonder Woman series back on track as a critical and commercial darling. Directed and co-written by Patty Jenkins, Wonder Woman 1984 stars Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Kristen Wiig, Pedro Pascal, and Natasha Rothwell. The film arrives digitally March 16 and on 4K UHD, Blu-ray, and DVD March 30. This news originated at CinemaBlend.